Monday, 1 December 2008

All I want for Christmas is Mila Kunis 2 CD's...

Dear Santa,

While the Opinionator isn't one to put his fate in another persons mittens, he's exhausted his other fictional benevolent option with prayer requests for Tom Brady's left knee, so you're all that he's got left. This year for Christmas, the Opinionator is looking for a soul mate. To save you time, a list of yes's and no's has been created. Simply find the yes's and ditch the no's and we can go on forgetting each other until I'm in need of higher being assistance again.

Yes: Physical attractiveness of greater than or equal to Mila Kunis' character in Forgetting Sarah Marshall.
No: Physical attractiveness less than Mila Kunis' character in Forgetting Sarah Marshall.

Yes: Cool, relaxed personallity of Mila Kunis' character in Forgetting Sarah Marshall.
No: Uncool, tense personality of Sarah Marshall in Forgetting Sarah Marshall.

Yes: Female nudity greater than or equal to that shown in the film Forgetting Sarah Marshall
No: Male nudity greater than or equal to that shown in the film Forgetting Sarah Marshall

*Idiot "Never seen a Romantic Comedy" Spoiler Alert*

Yes: A dramatic moment in which all seems lost, followed by a chance encounter that reaffirms the devotion and meant-to-be-ness of the relationship, similar to the moment Mila Kunis' character has at the end of Forgetting Sarah Marshall.
No: A dramatic moment in which all seems reaffirmed and meant to be, followed by a chance encounter in which all is lost, similar to the moment Sarah Marshall has about 15 minutes before the end of Forgetting Sarah Marshall.

Yes: Sex
No: Not Sex

Yes: Conversation that seems too natural to be scripted, yet too clever to be unscripted.
No: Skinny Jeans with Ugg Boots and a North Face Denali jacket.

Yes: Forgetting Sarah Marshall Unrated Version on DVD.
No: Forgetting Sarah Marshall theatrical version on TNT.

Thanks in advance for everything, and if I have any extra gift giving points available, please put all the rest towards the speedy recovery of Tom Brady's left knee.

Official Holiday Cheerer and the Opinionator

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